Ayurveda and changing of seasons - Honouring your cycles and rhythms with Gabriela Torcatoru
Life is not linear, Nature is not linear and neither is our experience of life, but rather everything ebbs and flows, in constant movement and change, and with these changes we ride the waves of life. As we transition from summer to autumn, with the celebration of the Autumnal Equinox Gabriela will offer a talk about how Ayurveda, the holistic system of healing in India and sister science of Yoga, understands the transition between seasons and how these changes can affect our overall well-being bringing us in states of physical and mental balance or imbalance. To be able to recognise the imbalances Gabriela will share simple lifestyle advice and questions for reflection offering tips to enhance your routine with pacifying self-care practices that can become helpful tools to use in navigating this transition. The session will also include a 5 Elements meditation. |
This Vinyasa Krama (Art form of yoga) approach to yoga asana practice is unique in all of yoga. It originates from legendary yoga master T. Krishnamacharya and was taught to Mark by his student of 35 years Srivatsa Ramaswami.
Mindful Vinyasa movements with slow Ujjayi breathing, mudras and bandha yoke mind, body and breath. Key postures are approached through a series of Vinyasas (variations and movements), which prepare for the key pose. The asana practice uses unequal breathing patterns, breath retentions, mudras and a combination of drishti and marma external and internal gazing points. The asana techniques integrate with the pranyamas that follow, leading to meditation or devotional chanting. The practice is accessible to anyone, very simple or very advanced routines can be constructed appropriate to your needs. |
Sally will create a gentle cosmic soundscape using light percussion instruments and deep sounds of planetary gongs, to bring you into a restorative state of meditative balance and relaxation. Each planetary gong has a unique tonal quality and resonates harmonically with the cycles and pattern of that planet /celestial body to which it is tuned , conveying what is commonly known as the ‘music of the spheres’. The sounds and vibrations of the gongs open a gateway to connect deeper to our soul and our natural state of being.
Yagnamurti will be joining us on Sunday 24th September to facilitate a workshop to explore the powerful tools Yoga provides, and how to use them in a systematic and practical way.
His session will include asana, pranayama, Yoga Nidra, and the meditation practice Ajapa Japa, to enhance your understanding of the Yoga experience. Yagnamurti is originally from Uruguay. He started practising yoga in 1986 at the Satyananda Yoga centre in Montevideo. He has been a regular practitioner at the London Yoga Centre since 1992. In 1995, he completed a two-year teacher training course with Swami Pragyamurti, Director of the Centre. In Uruguay, he ran regular classes at the Satyananda centre, provided pranayama and meditation tuition for teacher-training courses, and led workshops and retreats. He teaches at the Satyananda Yoga Centre in London, leading meditation workshops and a Yoga Nidra training course for teachers, which he also runs in Spanish. As a teacher, his goal is to encourage students to incorporate yoga into their daily lives and develop a practice informed by a deep understanding of Yoga’s methods for transformation. Join us for this enriching session. |
Yoga has known about the healing and transformative power of sound, as well as the intimate connection between sound and form, for thousands of years.
In fact, there is a famous statement, shabda brahman, meaning that everything that exists originates in sound. In yoga, sound is used mainly as part of mantra yoga – as chanting and devotional singing – but also in other ways, such as swara sadhana practice where various sounds are produced in combination with focussed awareness. This has profound effects on the physical and mental state, and leads to deep relaxation, rejuvenation, and calming of mental activity. The power of mantras is such that when practised with regularity, sincerity, and intensity of focus, they slowly, gradually, but most definitely bring about a complete positive transformation of the entire personality, freeing the mind from even the most stubborn negative conditioning, self-doubt, and other limitations. For our Big Day Retreat, Mahesh will be leading a Nada Yoga session. |
"The goal of yoga is yoga - to remember ones connection to the Supreme Source, eternal happiness itself. Yoga teaches us that within each living being there is an eternal soul, the atman. The practices enable us to reconnect to the atman and to understand that our mortal bodies are dwelling places for our immortal soul. The practices alchemically transform our perception of who we are. The body of the enlightened yogi houses the light of truth. The yogi lives in the world as an instrument for this truth. There are many yoga practices that can guide a person along the way to that magical remembering of who they really are.“ Sharon Gannon
In this Jivamukti class we will explore ten simple spiritual practices designed for profound results. Each practice has a unique spiritual intention you can customise for your lifestyle and home practice . Included are affirmations , blessings , feeding the birds , asana , dance , bandha , kriyas, pranayama, meditation and relaxation . Join the fabulous Andrea K and many other wonderful teachers for this day retreat with a difference |
‘Autumn is the time of year when Mother Nature says “Look how easy, how healthy and how beautiful letting go can be’
Tori Sorenson We’ll be doing Kundalini kriya to help us ease our way into the Autumn, focussing on the energies of the lungs and large intestine meridians which when balanced give us smooth transitions. The kriya will work with apana vayu - the energy that works to expel all that we no longer need. We’ll let go even more with a relaxation and close with learning and chanting a beautiful mantra together (A great way to enliven the lungs!) . We’ll be learning one of the Kundalini Sunniai chants, going through all the words, their meaning and pronunciation and then singing together. The words - especially the chorus are really easy to pick up and beautiful to sing. |
Your health in your hands - Natural remedies for Autumn and Winter
Would you like to have more control over your own health? In this one hour talk, Schia Mitchell Sinclair will take you on a whistlestop tour of ideas, remedies and herbs to help you stay healthy through Autumn and Winter. With more than 20 years' experience as a herbalist Schia is passionate about teaching people to help themselves, relying more on nature and less on pharmaceuticals. |
Yin is a deeply nourishing, mindful practice on many levels. We work to release stagnant energy that is hidden and tangled within your fascia. Space and mobility is created In the joints, poses work with meridians in the body which correlate with organs, helping to nurture a feeling of wellbeing. The held Yin poses will help you sink deliciously into gravity as tightness, tension and anxiety give way to a feeling of lightness and calm. The practice helps you pay attention to where you might be holding and gives you permission to explore letting go.
Chiraswa will be leading a session of Yin Yoga & The Koshas, which will facilitate deep inner awareness of the subtle body |